[TenTec] Eagle

Art Trampler atrampler at att.net
Tue Sep 28 12:45:25 PDT 2010

In a word, I would say no. I contest routinely at K5GO, m/m, and I am confident looking at the numbers even in QST that close-in signal handling capability is not up to the task.
We run a mix of K3s, IC-765s and a lone Omni VI, with bandpass filters, to make it acceptable. The 765s are not bad, but not as good as the K3s.
One item that has not been addressed for the m/m operation is the level of spurious signal generation. I recall some donation made to ARRL of a commercial grade rig used in embassies and the keying sidebands were down over 100db within about 1kc of the keyed frequency! That was impressive. There was no price tag. 
Some m/m problems are the result of mixing and overload, and others are simply that spurious emissions, while within FCC limits, are still noticeable after going to 1.5KW out on the frequency and having antennas pointing at one another!

--- On Tue, 9/28/10, W4ABW at aol.com <W4ABW at aol.com> wrote:

From: W4ABW at aol.com <W4ABW at aol.com>
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Eagle
To: tentec at contesting.com
Date: Tuesday, September 28, 2010, 2:33 PM

In serious contesting would a FT-2000 or 2000D be considered as a viable  
rig. Just wondering as I might want to get one someday if my FT-1000MP ever  

many tnx for opinions,


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