[TenTec] manual for Mode B sat station (2510)

Stephen Cannon sugar_bears_home at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 7 06:27:13 PDT 2011

If Ten Tec does not have the manual electronically (and they may not) see if
they will accept it for posting on their website for the download of
obsolete manuals.  I prefer the manuals electronically, some people prefer
them in "hard copy".  TT provides the manuals both ways and only charges for
the "hard copy" (because it costs TT to make, store and ship them - I

Stephen AD7TD

-----Original Message-----
From: Ron Kolarik

Okay guys the manual PDF is not available. When I made the offer I wasn't
aware TT still had them, I'm in digest and it takes some time to catch up.
Support TT, call and order a copy from them. How many times has TT helped
you with freebie stuff?


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