[TenTec] FS: Genuinely nice Omni-VI opt 3, all filters, remote tuning pod, 705 desk mike and 962 Power Supply - $1300 plus shipping

Jerald Volpe kg6tt at kg6tt.com
Fri Apr 29 01:56:04 PDT 2011

*For Sale: Genuinely nice Omni-VI opt 3, all filters, remote tuning pod, 
705 desk mike and 962 Power Supply.*

Many of you know me for owning and using lots of Ten-Tec gear... in 
fact, I've been doing so since 1970. I am NOT a collector. Instead I 
seek out the best examples of models I am most interested in... spend 
time finding them and then enjoy them carefully... I do not abuse my 
equipment. Why am I selling?  I've moved to a new QTH that is far 
smaller than my last one. My new shack is pretty tiny so my coveted 
extras, like my Omni-VI, opt 3 and my beautiful QSK modified Alpha 76A 
(not included in this sale) have to find new homes. It was the Omni or 
my Orion. The Alpha or my Centaur (another story). As I've become 
reliant on the Orion's second receiver, the choice of keeping the Orion 
was regrettably made for me. Believe me, I even considered obtaining a 
second Omni VI + and electrically slaving two Omni's together and 
letting the Orion go!

I don't like to use the term "mint", as once something has been touched 
and used, no matter how carefully, it simply can't be considered mint. 
My Omni is a genuine 9+, as are the accessories. The Omni even has the 
later factory update replacing the original crystal oven with the far 
more reliable TXCO module. An option that is no longer available.

Front panel is perfect, push button legends perfect, case paint is about 
as good as you can get. Same can be said for the remote tuning pod (very 
rare), the desk mike and the power supply. The 962 is the last of that 
power supply series. All filter slots are filled: 2.4 kHz, 1.8 kHz, 500 
Hz and 250 Hz filters in the 6.5 MHz IF and a 2.4 kHz, 500Hz, and 250 Hz 
filters in the earlier 9MHz IF.  It has the noise blanker and I believe 
the FM module (not absolutely sure on the FM module... never use HF FM).

This equipment is fully operational. Frankly, it is a far easier 
transceiver to use and listen to compared to the Orion... that is why 
this decision has taken about a year of back and forth debate.

I will supply a computer interface cable which can be installed with or 
without the remote tuning pod. The Omni's main tuning knob as well as 
the remote tuning knob have the newer, dark gray finger rings. If you 
wish I can take these nice ones off and reinstall the original ones. :)

Please don't ask for photos as I already have everything carefully boxed 
and would prefer not to undo it. No tricks. If you know what a great 
Omni-VI plus (VI, opt 3) and the accessories look like you know exactly 
what you would be receiving.

I don't barter on big things like this and I'm not selling off 
accessories or removing filters. Everything is sold as a package for 
$1300 plus shipping costs (48 US states only).

Simply stated, you would be hard pressed to find a better appearing or 
working Omni-VI plus (I'm tired of saying opt 3) station. It is that 

At the end of next week I'll make this listing on QRZ, a week later on 
eBay with a very high reserve.


Ralph Jerald "Jerry" Volpe, KG6TT
PO Box 2140
14190A Kabal Street
Clearlake, CA 95422

kg6tt at arrl.net
707 701-4167

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