[TenTec] power went out

Dave Humbertson w3np at atlanticbb.net
Mon Aug 22 05:57:05 PDT 2011

  I don't the think the OP in question was actually going to  dig into 
the amp regardless of the outcome of the fuse test but the warnings were 
definitely called for and "warnings" by their very nature can often come 
across as stern or rude.   That being said, I am including a link that 
includes the original post I made to several "tube gear" reflectors back 
in 1998 concerning a lapse in judgment that I made.  The photo is mild 
compared to what it looked like right after the "lapse".

"Amplifiers are H-A-Z-A-R-D-O-U-S!!!! Not for beginners. Period!" --- from K8VT's post.


73, Dave - W3NP

> Sheesh! This thread is turning into a tempest in a teapot.
> Possibly the wording of a response or two could have been interpreted as
> being a little rude...or possibly not. However, the *facts* remain:
> By the questions asked by the OP, he is a beginner in electronics. This
> is OK -- we were all beginners at one time.
> But, the absolute bottom line is that a beginner should NOT be working
> on an amplifier. A friend of mine from the university ham club had built
> several amplifiers (not a beginner) and yet was found dead on the floor,
> electrocuted by his latest creation.
> Amplifiers are H-A-Z-A-R-D-O-U-S!!!! Not for beginners. Period!
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