[TenTec] Jupiter Autotuner upgrade?

Richards jruing at ameritech.net
Thu Dec 1 03:28:09 PST 2011

On 11/30/2011 10:01 PM, Rick - DJ0IP / NJ0IP wrote:

> There is a tuner built by Plastar which can do this.

		This is the AT-AUTO.    I have one.

		But you cannot locate it at the base of the
		big stick outside.


> It uses a real variable capacitor and variable inductor rather than switched
> fixed values, but it is not made for remote use, not waterproof, and costs
> WAY too much money to place out in the yard.

		Palstar's new auto tuner can be located and
		operated remotely.   It will cost over $1500 US.


> There are a couple of Auto Tuners here in Europe that can do this too, and
> they are weather-proof and built for remote use, but one costs about $2400,
> the other $4000+.

		I have seen them.   Too costly for me.

> The coax will normally always be in the equation to some extent.
> Luckily if you get the match fairly close to 1:1, it will be negligible.

		I agree, but you clearly get my point, that locating
		the tuner outside at the foot of the big stick
		does render the coax far less a factor than if I
		tune it all in the shack.

========================  JHR  ======================================

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