[TenTec] Jupiter Autotuner upgrade?

John jh.graves at verizon.net
Thu Dec 1 14:59:34 PST 2011

To return this to the original subject I started with

After all the discussion, I decided to switch my tuner to bypass and see 
where I was and what happened while I was on a local 10M net.  The 
answer is....nothing.  SWR on the Jupiter display was about 2.4 and for 
the hour plus I was on the net, I was able to run full power with no 
shut down that I could see.  My Jupiter just kept going. Late in the net 
I mentioned I was running without a tuner into my G5RV and there was 
some disbelief and I was asked how bad the smoke was in the shack.

I have not seen any published limits but I believe several people 
mentioned SWR up to 3.0.  Is there something in the manual or is this 
learned from practice? I don't think I need the autotuner.

John / WA1JG

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