[TenTec] ADMIN: Message "The message's content type was not explicitly allowed"

Ed autek at comcast.net
Sat Dec 3 18:35:11 PST 2011

On Sat, 03 Dec 2011 08:47:30 -0800
Jim Lowman <jmlowman at sbcglobal.net> wrote:

> This is not a knock on your literary content, guys.
> This error is typically caused by sending messages to the list in
> other than plain text.  It has nothing to do with the content of your
> message. Ensure that your e-mail client is set to send plain text,
> and not HTML.
> Many mailing lists are configured to reject messages sent with HTML,
> as they can contain some nasty surprises.
> Some of the e-mail clients that I've used are configured to send in
> HTML or rich text by default.  This was a problem with AOL users for
> quite a while.
> 73 de Jim - AD6CW

As a list moderator for a 1200 member group, I can't agree more with
Jim's point of view. 

My email client will only send plain text messages, but I need a plug-in
to read HTML messages. 

Since the list includes Linux, MS, BSD and OS-X users, trying to get
everyone on the same page is not an easy task.

And no, the list did not infect your system with malware or a trojan,
you did that all by yourself. Try a good anti-virus software app. 

Trying to approve new members that do not have their call in their
email address or request to join is another major PITA. Whats the
matter, you guys ashamed of your call or name ???

OK, my nickles worth, just remember, before you go complaining to or
about how Jim runs the list, I'm sure he would be more than glad to
let you try your hand at it.

Ed W3NR (and yes...I'm very proud of my name and call) 

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