[TenTec] OT: Old QSTs, CQs, etc.

Jim Lowman jmlowman at sbcglobal.net
Fri Dec 30 16:28:27 PST 2011

Love it!  My wife would gladly do the yard work, but she's allergic to 
almost everything
of a botanical nature.

Seeing that riding lawnmower reminds me of the time that my 
father-in-law thought he
was putting one over on me, having me mow his half-acre lot.  I was 
having fun and
drinking all of his beer at the same time!

73 de Jim - AD6CW

On 12/30/2011 2:32 PM, Richards wrote:
> Sheesh... I don't get what you guys are talking about.   I have been
> retired 5 years and we have no such list at my house.   I don't take
> orders from her, nor she from me.   I guess we just take care of stuff
> as it comes up, because we have no list of chores left over.   Besides,
> if there was a list, I would make a list of stuff for HER to do !
> Consider, I have never mowed my lawn in 21 years of marriage... but I
> buy her the best equipment and any lawn tool she asks for.  How did you
> guys get so far behind, and so hen pecked?     Check out my favorite
> view of the shack ... and the best accessory is a wife on a lawn
> mower... see here ...           ;-)
> 	http://www.flickr.com/photos/minirichards/6561505685/in/set-72157615659120140
> And, ... er... Ron... why didn't  YOU marry for money ?   Why remain be
> broke  lonely ?     (Although there are days when that sounds pretty
> good... !)         ;-)
> ------------------------   K8JHR
> ----------------------------------------------------------

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