[TenTec] Who is the US Distributor for Cramolin?

Dave Edwards kd2e at comcast.net
Wed Feb 9 15:17:08 PST 2011

So, is Cramolin Red still good for...tuner cleaner..  (potentiometers, slide 
switches etc.)..
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Charles P. Steinmetz" <charles_steinmetz at lavabit.com>
To: "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment" <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2011 6:06 PM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Who is the US Distributor for Cramolin?

> Dave wrote:
>>I have a bottle..looks old.
>>But it says Caig Laborotories on it..and the stuff is reddish in color.
>>So that means it might be almost the same thing as the current hit,
>>deoxit....also made
>>by Caig Labs...also reddish in color
> Again, Caig Labs used to be the US distributor for Cramolin, which is
> a German brand.  What you have is an old bottle of Cramolin Red
> "essential oil" with no carrier (solvent) or propellant.  Like most
> aerosols, the propellants in the aerosol versions of Cramolin became
> disfavored by the EPA.
> Caig Labs discontinued its distribution of Cramolin products, or
> perhaps Cramolin dumped them -- in any event, the relationship
> ended.  Caig replaced the Cramolin products with its own products,
> and has subsequently suggested that there were EPA concerns regarding
> Cramolin.  (Not true, except re: the propellants in the aerosol versions.)
> Cramolin changed the propellant (as did all manufacturers of
> aerosols), and its products satisfy the applicable EU and US requirements.
> Best regards,
> Charles
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