[TenTec] CorsairII notch potentiometer

Dr. Gerald N. Johnson geraldj at weather.net
Sat Feb 12 11:25:10 PST 2011

On 2/12/2011 11:26 AM, Steve Hunt wrote:
> Jerry,
> I did get a quote from Omeg. Their part with the closest match would
> have been 220k with a reverse log taper, the correct size spindle bush,
> a genuine 1/4" spindle (not 6mm) and the correct length.
> They quoted £5.25 + 20% VAT each. Minimum order quantity of 10, then
> postage of £6.00 + 20% VAT.
> That would total over £70, and the pin spacing and length would still be
> wrong! So I'm sticking with the new linear pot I put in this morning.
> I doubt the Omeg part would have had quite the same taper as the
> original, anyway. Their normal log taper appears to be the simple
> "Commercial" taper comprising two linear sections of different gradient
> with a single break point; I guess their reverse log would be the same.

Probably achieved by laying down two different widths of resistive 
material, or two different thicknesses, though that might leave a 
perceptable edge about the middle of rotation.
> Just when I thought the projects had stopped, my cousin asked me to look
> over a Hallicrafters SX28 which he just bought on eBay. It's no hardship
> - those glowing dials, the smell, and the sound of that push-pull 6V6
> output stage are just magic :)

Watch out for electrolytics in odd places, like maybe a bias supply 
created by a resistor in the plate winding centertap of the power 
> 73,
> Steve G3TXQ
And if you run a single tone long enough you can get the screens of the 
6V6 to incandescent temperature which is probably not good for their 

Good to know the linear pot is a practical solution for the original.

73, Jerry, K0CQ

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