[TenTec] Antenna question

Stuart Rohre rohre at arlut.utexas.edu
Fri Feb 18 14:12:02 PST 2011

I have that Antenna.

The top loading coil and whip and hat was to enable the other coils and 
tubing to reach down and resonate on 75m/80m band.  Expect just the top 
coil and its whip to be higher in frequency than 80m and maybe 

If I can lay hands on mine, which was removed so the rest of the antenna 
could fit a certain storage place, I could set up a test with my MFJ 
Antenna analyzer, feeding it against a ground laid radial.

On the web you may find discussions that could guide you of Phil Salas's 
43 foot short vertical plus its coil he added.  Also, any of the Sevick 
papers on short verticals.  Probably in the QST archives.

Remember, that you double the size of the coil to get the next lower 
harmonic band, if the whip et al does not change.  Thus, you could make 
estimates, extrapolating from articles of other short verticals.

-Stuart Rohre

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