[TenTec] KPA 500

Jim Brown k9yc at audiosystemsgroup.com
Wed Feb 23 09:49:01 PST 2011

On 2/22/2011 10:42 PM, Rick - NJ0IP / DJ0IP wrote:
> It was on display in Orlando.

It's currently in field test.  I had one for WPX RTTY, N6XI had one for 
ARRL DX CW, there's one in the UK, and my neighbor, K6XX has been trying 
to blow them up for almost a year.

I have no inside information, but I'd expect to see them shipping within 
a few months.

It's a VERY nice amp, nice package, nice controls. Think of it as a Herc 
II in a smaller package (same footprint as the K3, weighs 27 pounds)  
with a self-contained 120/240V linear supply, plus 6M.  I don't know how 
it will be rated for keydown modes, but I was told to run it at full 
power for the RTTY contest, and I did. That's roughly 550 W out. It saw 
at least 20 hours of action in that contest, some of it (in the middle 
of the night) with nearly constant CQing with few replies. During those 
periods, the fan would come on at its 25% speed, and the amp stayed 
cool. Over the weekend, it occasionally saw mismatched loads. When it 
did, it either backed off the power a dB or so or faulted at the end of 
a transmission. A push of the reset button got it going again, and I 
either fixed the mismatch (with an external tuner) or backed off the 
power a bit and kept on going.

If I didn't already have a Herc II and love it, I'd consider the KPA500.

73, Jim K9YC

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