[TenTec] New and Improved Terminology (NVIS origins)

Richards jruing at ameritech.net
Thu Jan 6 17:27:00 PST 2011

OK, Rick,  I get all that.    It -IS - a difficult choice and not as 
clear cut as one might, at first blush, think.

As I mentioned in another post, I am contemplating making either a 20 m 
vertical dipole or a 20 m vertical quarter wave with tuned elevated 
radials.   I purchased some aluminum tubing to make a rotatable dipole, 
but I think I selected so small diameter tubing as it sorta sags and 
flops in the wind if I jiggle it.    I made both 6 meter and a 10 meter 
dipoles from similar sized aluminum tubing, and they seem quite study 
and weather resistant.   Should eve hold a couple birds who might perch 
thereupon.  But I think I need larger, stiffer elements to go for a 20 
meter design.

I am closely tuned into your comments on the logistics of raising a full 
sized half-wave vertical dipole, but on 20 meters this would need a 
minimum of 20-25 feet and that can be done with wooden masts,  metal 
masts,  or even make the antenna its own mast as a stand-alone item 
(one could use a fiberglass rod for the first X feet, and then run the 
lower element to another, short fiberglass rod (center insulator) and 
then run the higher, second element up higher.   Guy the whole thing at 
approx 40 foot total height.   But, a 20 foot high center mounting point 
is doable even with a home brew wooden mast  (a friend of mine made a 
mast out of coupled /doubled-up two-by-fours to hold the end of a sloper 
from his tower... and I could copy that.)

But a quarter wave ground plane employing three or four approx 17 foot 
radials mounted on a 15-20 foot mast on my back deck would be even 
easier to make, erect, and deploy.   Unfortunately, I think the tubing 
have now is still too wobbly, wiggly and flexible to take the sometimes 
high winds we get off Lake Michigan here in West Mich.    But, I persist 
with the notion because I hate to waste the tubing I purchased and have 
not figured out another good use for it !

So... ALL of this discussion, from you and all the others guys, has been 
of particular interest to me both academically and practically as I play 
ham radio and design new antennas to erect.

So, until I figure a use for this tubing....  I will probably hang the 
new OCF dipole I have built, together with one or the 6 or 10 meter 
aluminum dipoles, and see how they work.  I am just a bit frustrated 
because the prospect of a nicely tuned, balanced and adjusted 20 dipole 
or ground plane appeals to me - as my other HF antenna is an untuned, 
unbalanced 43 foot aluminum monopole - which works swell, but not, I 
figure, as well as a dedicated 20 meter ground plane or vertical dipole 
would work on 20 m.    I don't quite know what I would do with all the 
greater efficiency I might have !

So, thanks for the answer.  Very helpful, even if not decisive !

I would love to have all you guys over for a big luncheon, with plenty 
of beer and other libations of choice,  as an antenna think tank to 
debate what I might actually do.    We might not reach a consensus, but 
I am at present suffering analysis paralysis.

=====================  James -K8JHR  =====================

On 1/6/2011 4:16 PM, Rick - NJ0IP / DJ0IP wrote:
> James, that is a tough call because it is not really apples to apples.

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