[TenTec] NEC, ground, grounds, and radials.

Dr. Gerald N. Johnson geraldj at weather.net
Fri Jan 7 21:33:31 PST 2011

On 1/7/2011 9:54 PM, James Duffer wrote:
> Doesn't those in the electronics world refer to that as the "j" operator?
> 73, Jim, wd4air

And the electric power world. Signifies a 90 degree phase angle away 
from resistive in impedance or voltage or current in complex arithmetic. 
Math types use i and call it the "imaginary" operator instead which is 
what made me think hard that day.

73, Jerry, K0CQ
>> At my MS final oral I was asked to develop the fourier transform for a
>> sinewave. I knew the answer but the math professor (I should have known
>> better than to have had a retired head of the math department professor
>> emeritus on my committee!). I struggled with it not remembering the
>> exponential expression for a sinewave, he finally gave me that, but
>> e^it, not jt and I stood there for minutes (felt like hours) wondering
>> how I was going to integrate those currents in the exponents... Finally
>> I recognized that i wasn't a variable it was sqrt(-1),said "Ahah" and
>> rapidly scratched out the solution. I passed and went back for more
>> after trying to wear out a new wardrobe of green (not my choice).
>> 73, Jerry, K0CQ

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