[TenTec] NEC, ground, grounds, and radials.

Rsoifer at aol.com Rsoifer at aol.com
Sat Jan 8 07:16:59 PST 2011

That's a point that never came up in their discussion!
73 Ray
In a message dated 1/8/2011 12:31:29 A.M. GMT Standard Time,  
geraldj at weather.net writes:

On 1/7/2011 5:53 PM, Rsoifer at aol.com wrote:
> When I  was an undergraduate at MIT, there was a requirement for a
> Bachelor's  degree thesis.  Mine was about bouncing 2m  signals  off Echo 
 II (see my
> QST articles about that in 1962).  Anyway,  they  invited three prominent
> professors, all of them hams, to be on my  thesis  committee.  They 
quickly got
> into an argument about  whether 20 dB (voltage)  was the same thing as 10 
>  (power).  I just kept my mouth shut, and  got an A.  True  story.
> 73 Ray W2RS

One of those trick questions. They  are the same ONLY if impedance is 
preserved for the voltage measurements.  If impedance is not preserved 
they are not the same.

In a job  interview I was asked if I could vary the source impedance, 
what source  impedance would give the maximum power to the load. Another 
trick  question.
At my MS final oral I was asked to develop the  fourier transform for a 
sinewave. I knew the answer but the math professor  (I should have known 
better than to have had a retired head of the math  department professor 
emeritus on my committee!). I struggled with it not  remembering the 
exponential expression for a sinewave, he finally gave me  that, but 
e^it, not jt and I stood there for minutes (felt like hours)  wondering 
how I was going to integrate those currents in the exponents...  Finally 
I recognized that i wasn't a variable it was sqrt(-1),said "Ahah"  and 
rapidly scratched out the solution. I passed and went back for more  
after trying to wear out a new wardrobe of green (not my  choice).

73, Jerry,  K0CQ
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