[TenTec] New and Improved Terminology (NVIS origins)

Dr. Gerald N. Johnson geraldj at weather.net
Sun Jan 9 18:06:07 PST 2011

On 1/9/2011 6:14 PM, Richards wrote:
> On 1/8/2011 7:48 PM, Rick - NJ0IP / DJ0IP wrote:
>> Filling your tubing with foam is the biggest nonsense I've ever heard.
> 		Oh... come now... not the biggest....?  !  ?
> 		SOMETHING else must take the cake...     ;-)

Prekinking the tubing would be more nonsensical.
>> Jim, it took me several years to figure out something that should be
>> obvious.
>> "If something is worth doing, it's worth doing right."
>> After watching a few flimsy antennas break and fall down I developed the
>> following strategy:
> 		UNDERSTOOD ! My wife calls me  "Mr Overkill"  because
> 		I tend to overbuild everything.  Good tools are worth good
> 		money.   Good results usually come from good effort.
> 		That big bag of snakes is often disguised as an ever-loving
> 		blue-eyed bargain.
>> Actually it wasn't the beam, it was the Spiderbeam 60' vertical dipole.  She
>> doesn't understand the difference.
> 		I am the luckiest guy in town.   My wife does a pretty good
> 		job of listening to me rage about the hobby, and is supportive
> 		of all my antenna projects.  The only constraint she has
> 		imposed is that I cannot put any holes in the roof.   She
> 		even helps me put the antennas up (provided I stay within
> 		her approx 1 hour attention span... if it takes more than an
> 		hour, she tends to wander off leaving me to finish on my own. )
> 		It could be worse.
>> Not much you can do when an entire tree falls down and hits your pole!
>> Murphy is alive and well.
> 		1)   Some forces are bigger than we are.
> 		2)     Understood.   Murphy lives with me when he is
> 			not out bothering you other guys.
>> As I said in an earlier post, because it was telescoping fiberglass, it only
>> cost me about $30 to repair, and it was again straight as an arrow.
> 		A fiberglass solution is now the leading contender.
> 		I have two 30-foot fiberglass poles similar to the
> 		Spiderbeam type poles you like  supporting a
> 		medium aperture Wellbrook active loop receiving
> 		antenna and they hardly sway in the wind.
> 		Now, I am thinking those Spiderbeam poles (using
> 		only 	17 +/- feet thereof)  and thick gauge stranded
> 		wire (either inside or attached outside the poles) for
> 		the radiator.   My local friend suggested a way to
> 		terminate the radiator with a short stinger that can be
> 		adjusted for tuning for resonance and low SWR, etc.
> 		This notion seems more workable than his foam
> 		dampening idea.   (Parenthetically, I think he derives
> 		a certain amount of vicarious pleasure in helping me
> 		with my antenna projects... his XYL won't let him have
> 		any outdoor antennas... so I think he has fun pitching
> 		in to build mine... which is OK by me. )

Wire supported by fiberglass has considered resilience to abuse, but the 
thin conductor compared to tubing tends to make the antenna narrow 
banded. And so need tuning more often when moving across any band. But 
you can improve on that considerable by mounting a ring at the end. The 
larger the diameter of the ring the wider the bandwidth. I'm not sure a 
ring at the end is as good for broad banding as tubing the entire length 
but it can easily be exaggerated to get more broad banding with a larger 
ring or halo. Top and bottom, its not necessary at the feed point.
> 		The good news is I have the 40-6 meter OCF dipole and
> 		10 meter aluminum dipole ready to deploy -- just waiting
> 		for a really heavy snowfall or ice storm so I can install them
> 		in sufficiently inclement weather to assure they work well.   ;-)
> Thanks loads for your input !
> =================   James -K8JHR  ====================
> _______________________________________________
73, Jerry, K0CQ

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