[TenTec] Omni 6 Logic Board Failure

Dr. Gerald N. Johnson geraldj at weather.net
Thu Jan 13 19:16:32 PST 2011

If one of the thousand and one PIC chips wouldn't do, there are perhaps 
100 makers of microcontroller chips each with hundreds of products with 
a wide variation on capabilities. I suspect Tentec can't see the profit 
in the time taken to make the new board and convert the program IF they 
even still have the source code for conversion.

I fear the quantities needed today are a few a year and that won't pay 
for a year of reverse engineering to make a working board, but it would 
be an interesting project. It would work best starting with an Omni VI 
with a working control board.

A missing simpler IC could be replaced by some sort of FPGA almost no 
matter how complex, indeed there is CPU logic cores for the larger FPGA. 
But its so much simpler with the original source code.

NP4Y did it to enhance the Omni V but likely the Omni VI is a lot more 
complex, for sure the + with lots of DSP on the same controller board.

On 1/13/2011 9:07 PM, CSM(r) Gary Huber wrote:
> Previous reports of Omni 6 logic board failures have stated a IC is no
> longer available. I have wondered if TenTec could retrofit using a PIC,
> programmed using the original firmware code parameters.
> I upgraded to the OMNI-VII in 2010 to avoid the potential risk of the O-6
> logic board failure and retain a greater portion of my investment by selling
> a working Omni 6 plus.  I still have a great interest in the radio I ran for
> ten years with minimal service.
> 73 es DX,
> Gary - AB9M
73, Jerry, K0CQ

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