[TenTec] Obsolescence was: Omni 6 Logic Board Failure

Ray Sills raysills at comcast.net
Fri Jan 14 07:15:09 PST 2011

Hi Barry:

True... but those boat anchor rigs were designed to be repairable,  
under the assumption that you could still get the parts/components to  
repair them.  Or, at least find a viable substitute.

But, over time, we hams as customers, have (requested, demanded,  
voted with our dollars) new features (DSP, performance, etc.) that  
were most economically done using digital and computer techniques.   
Could a boat anchor transmitter be set to 1 Hz frequency accuracy?    
And maintain that frequency for long periods of time?

Today's radios are much like today's computers:  they are a - 
subscription-.  Periodically, we "renew" the account by buying the  
latest version.  Any day now, my computer is going to fail.  And, I  
won't try to fix it (unless it's something -really- easy and simple  
to repair).  I will then get a replacement for it, most likely the  
latest version of machine and OS.  Same thing with my car.

It might be possible for a company to manufacture a radio that could  
be kept operating properly for decades.  But, I bet it would cost -a  
lot- of money.  And, most hams will be quite unwilling to spend that  
amount of money for such a radio.  We might lament the fact that this  
is the case, but it -is- the case so we have to deal with it on those  

Perhaps, some radio company might consider engineering the design of  
a radio to future-proof it by finding ways to replace components or  
whole circuits with some generic part.  However, unless there is a  
demand for that, I doubt it would happen, since it would be an added  
cost.  And most companies stay in business by selling new gear, not  
by keeping the old stuff running.  Those companies who support the  
ham community by offering repair service at economically feasible  
rates as long as they can, offer us the comfort of knowing that radio  
we buy should serve us well for a good interval of time.  And, that  
disposes us toward buying their products.

Hams are creative and inventive people, and I also suspect that there  
will always be some of us who will enjoy keeping the old clunkers  
running, and have much satisfaction in doing so.  It's part of the  

73 de Ray
Warrington, PA

On Jan 14, 2011, at 8:08 AM, Barry N1EU wrote:

> Yes, but those "boat anchors" are repairable.  I think we need a  
> new term
> for more recent radios that can't be repaired and don't weigh 80lbs.
> 73, Barry N1EU

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