[TenTec] Omni VII ATU Saga

wa3fiy at radioadv.com wa3fiy at radioadv.com
Tue Jan 25 06:35:59 PST 2011

Curt, maybe the faulty filter was allowing various mixing products to pass through to the 
output on transmit.   If so, the antenna tuner would not likely be able to find a match for the 
desired frequency and the unwanted products at the same time.....maybe.    :-)

Please tell us what TT says about the matter.  Curious minds want to know.

Glad it's working well!




On 25 Jan 2011 at 8:12, Curt wrote:

> My Omni VII arrived in good condition after a trip to the factory to
> repair a broken internal ATU.  It seems to be working fine, the tuner
> works as well as it did when new.
> What puzzles me is Ten-Tec's note about the repair says "replaced
> defective 455 filter in transmitter chain.  Labor $150, mat'l $3"   I
> haven't a clue about what the 455 filter is or how it could cause the
> ATU to fail.  The transmitter functioned well with the broken tuner
> bypassed and using my external tuner.  What's also bothersome is the
> list of functions checked by the technician don't include anything
> associated with the ATU.
> I've sent a note to Ten-Tec service asking for an explanation, while
> waiting for a response, does anyone on this list have any thoughts
> about how the noted defect would prevent the internal ATU to work, but
> permit the radio to function normally when not using the internal ATU?
> 73, Curt KB5JO 

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