[TenTec] Under the Dirt...a Diamond!

PaulKB8N at aol.com PaulKB8N at aol.com
Wed Jan 26 10:17:36 PST 2011

>From the time I was first I was licensed in 1960, I bought used gear.   
Finally, in 1980, I bought my first piece of new gear...a Ten-Tec Omni A,  
Series B.  This radio would be my primary rig for the next 15+ years  and would 
travel with me to three continents and provide me with well over 100K  QSOs 
without a single failure.  I parted with it in 1995, but always had a  warm 
spot in my heart for that simple, reliable radio.
Its amazing how the mind can observe and record things without you  
consciously directing it to.  At a swap meet last weekend, my eyes fell  upon 
something on the other side of the room that I needed to see.  As I  got closer, 
I saw a stack of beat-up-looking Ten-Tec gear.  It was  covered with a layer 
of dirt and grime. It took a little imagination to  realize that it was an 
Omni A, Series B, matching remote VFO, 252 power supply  and remote digital 
It looked as though someone had stacked stuff on top of the Omni and put a  
large gash on the top of the case.  The trim ring on the transceiver looked 
 corroded and unrecoverable.  I started to walk away, but noticed that all  
the lettering on the panel looked good, as best I could tell. I spit on my  
finger tips and rubbed some of the grime off the tuning knob.  The expected 
 scratches were not there suggesting that this radio may not have seen a 
lot of  use.  I did the same on the other knobs, and found the metal inlays to 
be  in very good shape.
I noted that the dial cords were broken and the VFOs were both seized, but  
everything seemed unmolested, with the exception of the power cord, that 
was  crudely cut about a foot from the connector.  I made a ridiculous offer 
and  was countered immediately with a "Sold!".
I brought it home, set everything next to the kitchen and started  
cleaning.  The more I cleaned, the more excited I got.  This gear was  in excellent 
shape.  Front panels were perfect, the cases were much better  than 
expected, the gash could be repaired, and the trim ring cleaned up  perfectly with 
just a light application of Soft Scrub.  Then I took off the  top 
cover......bonus!!!...a 217 CW filter!  (it is worth more than half of  what I paid for 
Now I'm in the quandary of whether I should try un-seizing the VFOs and  
repairing the dial cords.  I'm sure there may be other issues, maybe  it would 
be better to send the radio back to Ten-Tec (if the still even work on  
these).  Any suggestions out there?  I know there is information on  line on 
doing these repairs and I still need a power cord to do any  testing.  Any 
comments or suggestions are appreciated.
This is one of those good luck stories.  This Omni A has  serial number in 
the 600s, just like my  original Omni did.  I will keep you posted on my 
efforts to  get it back on the air!
Paul, K5AF  
This radio is probably as nice as any 30+ year old radio you'll find
Paul and  Karen Schaffenberger

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