[TenTec] Correction

Keith Hamilton tuner at zoominternet.net
Tue Jul 5 15:51:00 PDT 2011

I am a piano tuner by profession. My tonal impression could never be as much as 200hertz off. The filter is 200 hz off.

On Jul 5, 2011, at 6:33 PM, Carl Moreschi wrote:

> The real question is is the filter 200 hertz off or is your impression 
> of the same tone 200 hertz off.  Only the 250 filter would be narrow 
> enough for this to show up.
> You need a second radio to see if the filter is off.  Tune in the same 
> signal on both radios.  Center the signal in the 250 filter and then 
> transmit at very low power and see if your signal matches the receive 
> test signal in pitch.
> Carl Moreschi N4PY
> 121 Little Bell Dr.
> Hays, NC 28635
> www.n4py.com
> On 7/5/2011 6:28 PM, Keith Hamilton wrote:
>> I made a typo in my question. I meant to say I must tune the radio from 7.040.00 to 7.040.20 to center the 250 hz filter.
>> Sorry
>> Keith W8GX
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