[TenTec] pan adapter

Rsoifer at aol.com Rsoifer at aol.com
Mon Jul 18 17:04:32 PDT 2011

I'm not sure which updates you are waiting for.  I'd like to see a sub  
receiver equal to the main receiver, and would be willing to buy an O III to 
get  it, if necessary.  On the other.hand, I think it's been pretty well  
established through discussion on this reflector that the panadaptor function  
is better done through software on a PC than in the radio.  The  software to 
do that already exists, so I'd hate to see T-T spend resources on  that 
which would be better used giving the O II or O III top-of-the-tables  
performance again.  That, and fulfilling Ron's wish list, most of which can  be done 
in firmware..
My 2 cents worth anyway.
73 Ray W2RS
In a message dated 7/18/2011 10:55:05 P.M. GMT Standard Time,  
cdistflatfoot at gmail.com writes:

I am  getting very tired of waiting for the promised updates to the Orion 
II  radio .  I may feel better if I could just know for sure if there  
coming or not .  If they will not be coming will Ten Tec be bringing  out 
a new top shelf radio ?  I hope so ,will it be soon ?    I am day 
dreaming about taking my Orion II out to the cabin and put the  new TT 
top end radio at the home qth.  Please let us know John  .  Thank you 
very much  .  John Molenda  kb2huk
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