[TenTec] Ten-Tec Kit MODEL 1320

Connie Dodson conniedodson at techemail.com
Thu Jun 9 06:16:27 PDT 2011

I also have a language problem: I have neurological impairments, and so, I use a screenreader. 

I, also, have considered kits. Elecraft lists kit builders, free-of-charge for handicapped. The fee is quite reasonable for everyone else. It is not limited to Elecraft kits, if you ask the kit builder. The Elecraft website has a list with their contact information.

Otherwise, a member of an amateur radio club reasonably near you may build kits. If so, that person or club may be willing to "Elmer" you in kit building skills.

I did learn to solder and to remove solder at class at a ham fest, a useful skill.

I also saw how the vise and attached magnifying glass for fly-tying are very helpful for soldering small parts.

I hope this information helps you.

Connie, w7cjd

--- f6ddv at wanadoo.fr wrote:

From: "f6ddv" <f6ddv at wanadoo.fr>
To: "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment" <tentec at contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] Ten-Tec Kit  MODEL 1320
Date: Wed, 8 Jun 2011 22:43:28 +0200

Hi Al 
Hello everyone 
I am not at all bothered by sales messages Ten-Tec equipment or whatever, I just want a special list for troubleshooting Ten-Tec QRP or QRO. 
And I thought I might have made a mistake in listing, HI 
I may also be interested in equipment or parts, 
and I know that some lists are only for sale, and others do not want to talk entrendre sales ... so I'm a bit cautious ... 

I ask because I'm new to this list 
I am 62 years, the license was passed in 1974 and I practice primarily digital modes, but also the voice and some CW unfortunately forgotten for a long time (very hard, HI) 
Now that I am retired I have more time. 

I was 2 years ago on a list Ten-Tec Jupiter, but I do not know if it still exists, I do not get anything. 
I looked for a list that speaks for repairs and modifications to the transceivers, and right now I am indeed interested in repairing my little kit model 1320 bought used indeed. 

And voila, it's very simple. 
I will first read carefully the instructions of the kit may be talking to some adjustments, because I have never built a kit Te-Tec, and I would learn things may be, but it will be difficult because I do not understand English. 
Then I disassemble the component board and I would look for the problem starting with the chemical capacitors. 
73s to all 
Jean paul F6DDV
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Al Gulseth 
  To: tentec at contesting.com ; f6ddv 
  Sent: Wednesday, June 08, 2011 9:59 PM
  Subject: Re: [TenTec] Omni 6 +


  As noted, this list is both for technical discussion and offering Ten-Tec gear 
  for sale. I saw your previous post about the 1320 problem - I would answer it 
  but I haven't ever owned any of the 1300 series rigs or repaired them.

  You don't have to reply to another message to post to the list - if you look 
  at the bottom of the message you'll see the "TenTec..." email address where 
  you can start a new topic or post a question about some equipment. In the 
  case of your 1320 problem, for example, you could send a message to the list 
  with a subject like "1320 repair question". That might get you more responses 
  than just replying to another message would as some people may just look at 
  the subject of a message and delete it if they don't think it is of interest.

  Hope this helps. Feel free to email me direct if needed.

  73, Al

  On Wed June 8 2011 2:17:38 pm f6ddv wrote:
  > Hello everyone
  > Excuse my question may be a bit ridiculous
  > I am on this list and I think I was wrong.
  > I have a Ten-Tec Jupiter 538 1.32 and a QRP Kit 1320
  > This list is it for the technical discussion on TRX and other products
  > Ten-Tec? Or it may be a list to sell used equipment?
  > 73s
  > Jean paul F6DDV In France
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