[TenTec] Omni VI+, VII, or Orion for next rig. Can't decide

Floyd Sense floyd at k8ac.net
Fri Nov 11 14:55:50 PST 2011

A couple more comments regarding receiver evaluation.  There's 
interesting info at W8JI's site here: 
http://www.w8ji.com/receiver%20IM3%20sorted.htm .  Note his comment 
about an IM3 DR of greater than 80 dB being overkill for most of us.  
Also, note in the Sherwood rankings that there are a ton of rigs with an 
IM3 DR of 80 or better and some of those go back to the late 1960s to 
early 1970s.  Also, most of Rob's testing was done with a sample of ONE 
of each rig, and that testing of different examples of the same rig 
produce results that might vary by 2-3 dB.  That might put a lot more 
receivers on Rob's list into the category of "good enough for most of 
us".  And a last point - if your problem is one of poor adjacent 
frequency interference, you might be further ahead looking at the 
"Filter Ultimate" column of Sherwood's rankings instead of the IM3 DR 

73, K8AC

On 11/11/2011 1:35 PM, Richards wrote:
> Thanks for the clarification and confirmation.   Quite an education
> this hobby, for sure.
> My wife does not always seem to understand why I spend more time
> reading the books and on the internet, than on the air... but it is
> amazing how much there is to learn.
> The materials you mention are top notch.   I cannot tell you guys how
> much I appreciated the personal notes I have received from guys like Rob
> Sherwood,  explaining what is out there on his web pages.  Others like
> Rick DJ0IP at Spiderbeam, Jay Hallas of ARRL, Rudy Severns N6LF,  Phil
> Salas, AD5X,  Jim Brown of this list, Bob K4TAX on the Omni VII list,
> and so many others who have taken time to help me get started.
> Thanks.
> ===========================  Richards- K8JHR  =====================

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