[TenTec] OMNI VI+ FSK problem

John Oglesby john91 at charter.net
Sun Apr 22 13:28:16 PDT 2012

I'm having an issue with my OMNI VI+ and wanted to ask the list for any 
similar history before I started to take the rig apart.

When I use the radio in FSK mode, the PTT line seems to be putting the 
radio in transmit mode - i.e. if the radio is set up for split, it 
switches to VFO B. The issue is that I don't get any carrier except for 
when PTT is opened I get a short carrier spike.  If I engage PTT in FSK 
mode and key the CW key I get a carrier, so the radio is capable of 
transmission.  The manual states that when in FSK mode either closing 
the key OR engaging PTT will transmit the carrier.  Then, the Mark/Space 
input controls the frequency.

Any ideas?

Thanks in Advance


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