[TenTec] ORION 1 vs ORION2

Rick Dougherty NQ4I nq4i at contesting.com
Fri Aug 10 04:43:53 PDT 2012

Hi All...don't have the Yaesu's any more.....just TenTec Orion's ....the
difference between the Orion's and the Yaesu's
are night and day...we measured 40 db or more in band less interference
with the Orion's than the Yaesu's....significant...
Standarization is very very important...each station is equipped with the
Orion, a MicroHam Microkeyer interface, a computer with
USB sound card external interface(anybody know why), Henry or Alpha
amps...and lots of antennas...

de Rick NQ4I

On Fri, Aug 10, 2012 at 3:11 AM, Richards <jruing at ameritech.net> wrote:

> OK, Rick -- you got me.
> I guess THAT explains  your owning 10 rigs at once.   Silly me... I took
> your statement quite literally when you say YOU have 10 of them !    Ha
> !    ;-)
> The much more modest station I play at has an Orion II,  Two Omni VIIs
> (one is mine!)  an Omni VI,  and a few of K3s  (some guys just don't
> learn...), and we have multiple TenTec Titan amps and one Centurion
> (mine!), and a pile of Alpha amps -- so while we are not as big as your
> station, we ARE fairly WELL equipped overall - for a casual bunch who
> like to contest, but only if we are having fun doing it (and yet we ARE
> the proud owners of the RECORD in the Michigan QSO party, and some other
> nice awards over the last few years.   I feel honored to have been asked
> to join them.
> The main man, our host, has an awesome So2R setup with an Omni VII and
> an Orion II, a pair of Titan amps, a pair of TT tuners, and all
> orchestrated with StationMaster control devices - and some really good
> antennas -- it is an awesome sight.   It is nice of him to let me play
> with his toys, although I usually work my own rig on one of the slower
> bands... I don't have sufficient seniority...  yet.
> It IS great fun working with really good gear.
> ==================  K8JHR ===================
> On 8/9/2012 3:20 PM, Rick W wrote:
> > I'd recommend you visit:
> >
> >                 http://www.nq4i.com/
> >
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