[TenTec] TEN-TEC announces new amplifier

Richards jruing at ameritech.net
Mon Aug 13 15:03:28 PDT 2012


	There has been some good discussion as to why TT
	would produce a QRP product... and I suspect that
	is because they think there is a market for low
	power gear.   Elecraft does, too, as it has or will
	be releasing a bunch of lower power gear.   I say
	this in tentative terms, because I don't follow the
	QRP scene closely, and am only generally aware of
	its trends and developments.   But I imagine TT
	thinks there is a lively QRP market there or it would
	not go there.

	Now it does not interest me ... but I hope they
	make a KILLING on it !    I figure there is room enough
	in the hobby for the both of us.

	Will the new QRP RADIO do digital modes ?   If not,
	I think that would be a mistake.   Can somebody
	better informed clarify this ?   Will the digital guys use
	SSB mode or do they need a dedicated RTTY or digital
	mode on the rig.   (Obviously I don't do digital modes,
	so please forgive a novice level question - we all gotta
	start someplace... )

Just My take...

-----------------------  K8JHR  --------------------------

On 8/13/2012 2:59 PM, Steve Berg wrote:

> I am eagerly awaiting the availability of the new 539 QRP rig.

I was impressed with the Eagle, but plan to run most of my
> retirement station off of solar charged storage batteries, so I really
> won't need the extra power.

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