[TenTec] new amp

Jim Brown k9yc at audiosystemsgroup.com
Thu Aug 16 12:42:54 EDT 2012

On 8/16/2012 8:52 AM, Doug S wrote:
> IMHO $800 is just crazy to pay for a 100w amp. I can hear the naysayers already and how other companies offer less etc but I just don't see much of a market for an 100w amp for $800.00.

Why do you say that?  Is it because a company in MS well known for 
producing low quality products that also have serious reliability 
problems sells cheap amps for less? I've had to repair those MS amps in 
the middle of a contest, and I can tell you that their quality is well 
below that of Ten Tec.   Is it because you don't know enough about 
electrical engineering to realize the COST of producing a clean amp, and 
one that is reliable?  Is it because you are equating dollars and watts?

Ten Tec is well known for quality products that are clean and reliable. 
I own four Ten Tec power amps that were designed and built in the 1980s 
-- three Titan 425s and a Hercules II. All are working fine, 30 years 
later, and I can still find parts if I need to repair them. When I look 
inside I see good engineering and quality components. Ten Tec products 
are designed and built in the USA, by people making a living wage, not 
imported from low wage countries where they are built by people in sweat 
shops.  If you want to be ABLE to buy American, put your money where 
your mouth is and buy American quality while you can still find it.

73, Jim Brown K9YC

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