[TenTec] new amp

Bob McGraw - K4TAX RMcGraw at Blomand.net
Thu Aug 16 16:16:17 EDT 2012

Yes it may seem expensive at ~$80/watt, however from on air listening and 
some bench measurements, those "cheap" amps are noted to be not so clean in 
terms of spurious radiation.

We've all been plagued by this an it is the station that runs one of the 
"off shore" type kit amps.  You know, the ones that has to have the "filters 
added".    Ever notice how the operators signal splatters when other 
stations on the same frequency do not?  Hams must be very careful when using 
solid state amps and it is a lesson that many have not learned. 
Historically, being accustomed to tube type amps, by nature those have a 
softer knee at the point they go into distortion, the distortion by products 
aren't initially too severe.  At the same time, drive one of the solid state 
amps ever so slightly into distortion and the sideband products go up by 10 
fold.  But at the same time, we must note that those solid state amps can 
sure make the watt meter move significantly upscale.  Oh yes, it is more 
average power due to clipping,  but being quasi square wave in nature, much 
of it is spread out over several KHz of spectrum.  Be assured that your 
neighbors on the adjacent frequency won't appreciate your presence on the 

A good solid state amp today is quite expensive per watt as compared to an 
equal power tube type amp.  If size and weight is an issue then the solid 
state amp is the way to go.  Understand its limitations.   If economy and 
weight and size is no concern, then a tube type amp suits the needs most 

Too bad the FCC no longer polices the ham bands, specially on emissions, 
today.  If this were to take place effectively, there would likely be quite 
a few operators writing letters of explanation  regarding implementation of 
corrective action.  On the other hand, too bad we really can't seem to 
police ourselves collectively.

Bob, K4TAX

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Doug S" <nn9s at yahoo.com>
To: <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2012 10:52 AM
Subject: [TenTec] new amp

IMHO $800 is just crazy to pay for a 100w amp. I can hear the naysayers 
already and how other companies offer less etc but I just don't see much of 
a market for an 100w amp for $800.00.
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