[TenTec] new amp

Ron Notarius W3WN wn3vaw at verizon.net
Thu Aug 16 18:45:05 EDT 2012

Well, if you guys are right, the amp won't stay on the market very long.

But yes, I think you're missing something.  

Price isn't the only factor.  Yes, it's a big one.  However, these concerns
are coming across as akin to "I can buy a baseball ticket to the cheap seats
at a (Minor League Single-A) game for $5, so why would I spend $100 for a
ticket at the (Major League) ballpark (behind home plate in the all you can
eat section)?  After all, a ticket is a ticket and a ball game is a ball

There are many, many QRP rigs out "in the wild" these days.  [Most of them
even work, too!].  Many of these owners want QRO occasionally.  They are
certainly candidates for the market this amp will address.

Or, take someone who owns, say, an Elecraft K2/10, and a K3/10, and maybe an
Argonaut 505/509/515/II.  [And that's not THAT implausible, I know someone
who owns a K1, K2/10, a K3/100, and used to own a 505 until a few months
ago... and an Argonaut V and other rigs as well].  Now, let's say our
hypothetical rig owner wants to have that 100 W brick from time to time.
Does it make more sense for him to upgrade both Elecrafts to 100 W... or buy
one 418 and just swap it between the two rigs as needed.

And let's not lose sight that the 418 is going to be the companion for the
upcoming 539 Argonaut VI.  I suspect that the price range for the two
together may well be comparable to the Eagle, and some will say "why not
just get an Eagle then?"  and they'd have a point.  Still, there will be
many who will get the 539 alone on it's own merits... and they'll still have
the option for the 418 (so long as it's in production) going forward.

Clearly this amp is not for everyone.  But just as clearly, there is a niche
that can be filled.

Either Ten-Tec has chosen wisely, and will have a good long production run
and a lot of happy amp owners; or they have chosen poorly, and it will have
a short production run and soon be selling on eBay at a premium price as a
"rare" radio.

The market will bear.

73, ron w3wn

-----Original Message-----
From: tentec-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:tentec-bounces at contesting.com]
On Behalf Of Richards
Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2012 6:05 PM
To: Doug S; Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment
Subject: Re: [TenTec] new amp

I was thinking that, myself.   Here is why:

	I can buy an entire 100 watt transceiver
	for less than $800.  Why pay that much for
	just the 100 w 	amp section ?

Or, am I missing something important.

================  K8JHR  =====================

On 8/16/2012 11:52 AM, Doug S wrote:
> IMHO $800 is just crazy to pay for a 100w amp. I can hear the naysayers
already and how other companies offer less etc but I just don't see much of
a market for an 100w amp for $800.00.
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