[TenTec] 'T' signal from OmniVI to outside

Mike Bryce prosolar at sssnet.com
Wed Aug 22 18:46:51 EDT 2012

If memory serves me right there is at least one RCA jack that has 12 volts on it unsolder that feed, hook up the "t" voltage to it and have fun. Sell the rig simple reversal. 

Mike wb8vge 

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 22, 2012, at 6:27 PM, Allan Taylor <k7gt.cw at gmail.com> wrote:

> I have two venerable OmniVIs. Love 'em! As it turns out, I need to find a
> minimally-invasive way to 'grab' the 'T' signal
> and get it to the outside world. I do not wish to steal another output but
> rather to very strategically locate a RCA phono
> jack for this output. Has anyone done this? If so, where did you locate the
> jack?
> What will I be doing with this signal? Two purposes: 1) to run an Alpha
> amp, and 2) to run some outboard T/R circuitry.
> I know someone from this reflector used the 'T' line to control the Alpha
> amp in order to not do hot switching.
> No, the standard T/R pair used to switch a TT amp won't do it.
> -- 
> 73     Allan    K7GT
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