[TenTec] audio from the I/O connection at the back of the Orion
Michael Cheponis
Michael at Cheponis.Com
Sat Dec 15 21:37:42 EST 2012
On Sat, Dec 15, 2012 at 10:34 AM, jack <jfriend31 at comcast.net> wrote:
> Question: is there a way to turn down the audio gain from the I/O DIN
> connection on the back the Orion?
As far as I am aware, no.
But it's easy to add an in-line pad to drop the output down to whatever you
need - just a simple voltage divider (two resistors) will do.
I think it's actually a feature that the audio level coming out the back is
not affected by the front panel knobs.
The feature I don't like on the O2 is, for some reason, you don't get
stereo out the back (that is, both receivers). On the 565, you did.
> I have 2 Orions and have them connected to a Yankee Clipper SO2R+ which
> feeds the audio thru to headphones. turning down the main and sub AF gain
> does NOTHING to the I/O gain thru the DIN connector.
> there is much too much volume in the headphones. the output is so loud
> thru the SO2R box that I can use the headphones as a speakers. in fact
> right now I am listening without problem to a CW chat on 17 meters with the
> headphones on the desk.
> thanks,
> jack
> ak7o
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