[TenTec] Ten Tec 253 Question

Rick W ve7tk at yahoo.ca
Tue Dec 25 15:35:01 EST 2012

The 253 manual shows the tuner hooked up with a Herc II for auto band switching of both the Herc and the 253.  It also shows the Titan amp hookup as well  as a generic hookup for "other amps".

So in summary the Omni V will band-switch the tuner BUT, unlike the broad-banded Herc II, you'll need to turn the bandswitch and tune the 422.  

The 253 manual is on the T-T site:  http://www.tentec.com/pages/Obsolete-Manual-Downloads.html

Unlike modern tuners, it remembers only one frequency per band.  BUT it is a great tuner.  I have replaced mine with a 229A manual tuner since installing my SteppIR.  I use the 229 on 80 and 40 and the 253 is currently surplus to my needs.  



Website: http://www.ve7tk.com

To:tentec at contesting.com 
Subject:[TenTec] Ten Tec 253 Question 
From:"Bry Carling" <bcarling at cfl.rr.com> 
Date:Tue, 25 Dec 2012 11:15:52 -0500 

Can anyone tell me if the  Ten Tec 253 Auto Antenna Tuner 
designed fo ruse at 2 KW with an Omni V and Hercules Ampo
will work also with the CENTAUR model 422? I was thinking about adding this plus a 422 to my OMNI VI Plus station and 
wante dto make 
sure that they will all work together. Many thanks for any insights! Brian AF4K 

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