[TenTec] Model 318 Amplifier Key Interface

Richards jruing at ameritech.net
Wed Feb 1 04:22:35 PST 2012

Hmmnm....   so let's assume one has two radios,  one is a TT radio with 
full QSK capabilities, and the other is a,... oh,... say Kenwood TS-590, 
  along with a Centurion linear amp.    The case of the TT rig is clear 
- use it in QSK mode as always.   But in the case of the Kenwood rig... 
how much delay would be needed to protect the amp if the Kenwood rig was 
not set up to work the Centurion's QSK circuit?    I suspect it is  X 
ms.   Is there a way to solve for X ?   Let's say your choices were for 
10 ms or 25 ms.... would you pick the longer time just to be safe?

Thanks. --------------------------  K8JHR 

On 2/1/2012 7:03 AM, Rick - DJ0IP / NJ0IP wrote:

> It does enable the Ten-Tec full QSK transceiver (like the Eagle) to operate
> with non-QSK amplifiers, like your FL-2100B or most any amplifier, without
> burning relay contacts.  This is very important.



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