[TenTec] Jupiter - No transmit power output 10 meters
jh.graves at verizon.net
Sun Feb 12 13:45:20 PST 2012
I have been having a similar issue with my Jupiter, and in fact it is
home after recent TT service for the problem, but the problem still
exists and as far as I have checked, exists on all bands I first
noticed when using the radio for digital modes that I would after a bit
(15 -30 minutes) either lose power out either temporarily or
permanently. It happened again when I attempted to play in the WPX
RTTY this weekend. Symptoms are a loss of power. In some instances, it
will return, but that is just a temporary cure, It repeats until
finally I have no output.
In an attempt to define the parameters of the loss, it appears that the
loss affects both digital modes through the line input, using VOX as
well as CW using a key. In both these instances, the transmit indicator
indicates I am transmitting but the power indicator on the screen and
the power meter on my tuner indicate no output.
If the the Jupiter is repowered, most of the time, output will return
temporarily. If the Jupiter is reset, output power has returned each
time but again only for a short time. I have not seen this problem
when operating SSB, but have not yet tested to see if SSB works after
the power loss in digital or CW modes.
Has anyone seen this problem or do the symptoms point to any circuit
within the transceiver?
John / WA1JG
On 2/12/2012 1:42 PM, Karl Heimbach wrote:
> Rick and Bill,
> Thanks for the quick response. Shortly after I posted the question, I
> also tried 12 meters and found it too had no transmit, but okay receive.
> I'll take a look at your web page Rick and then give Ten-Tec a call
> tomorrow for the relays.
> Karl - W5QJ
> On 02/12/2012 11:31 AM, Rick W wrote:
>> Karl you should test the output into a dummy load on all bands. If the symptoms are similar on 12 metres and 10 metres then I'd suspect a relay failure. I have written up the repair process on my website.
>> On page 3 of my document there is a photo of the low pass filter board relays. The 10/12 metre relay pair are on the right of the photo (immediately to the right of the 15/17 metre relay that is being replaced).
>> Good luck.
>> 73,
>> Rick
>> VE7TK
>> Website: http://www.ve7tk.com
>> To: tentec at contesting.com
>> Subject: [TenTec] Jupiter - No transmit power output 10 meters
>> From: Karl Heimbach<kheimbach at sbcglobal.net>
>> Date: Sun, 12 Feb 2012 10:53:04 -0600
>> All, I will also post this to the Jupiter group, but seems I have no power
>> output on 10 meters. I can see amps being pulled on the power supply
>> when the key is brought up or mike button pressed, but there is no
>> output power. If memory serves me correctly, this has been reported on
>> 17 meters (and perhaps other bands too). Receive is not effected. Other bands operate normally. Do I have a bandpass filter or relay
>> failure? It appears specific to 10 meters. Thanks, Karl - W5QJ
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