[TenTec] Low (to no) Power Out Omni D--han'nt given up yet

scottsheppard at videotron.ca scottsheppard at videotron.ca
Thu Feb 16 09:26:38 PST 2012

oh my,...I think I have exceeded my bandwidth usage on this one...but yes, there are some misunderstandings:

Forget the PA...I don't even care if it works or not at this stage (pardon the pun)...I need to get some power out of the LLD.

If, as I suspect, the signal from the VFO amp is sufficient into the TX mixer ( I played with the output and watched the freq display function with plenty of drive/adjustment on the POT left over), the issue lies within the LLD or perhaps the ALC...knowing what should be going in to the LLD would be helpful. There is not much in the Band Pass filters and I am reluctant to touch those...

This weekend I hope to take some measurements with the help of a friend and his OSc, IFR5000 and Fluke scope meter...

And yes, I had cc'd my other msg to Paul at Ten-Tec's email who will reply when he has time...I am less demanding as my warranty for this TT expired about 30 yrs ago!

As for the remainder of you and your tireless efforts, I am most appreciative and will limit my updates now to more specific details/measurements when I get them. You are a great bunch and this is a great community. Thanks again.

scott VA3IED

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