[TenTec] Ten Tec 565 (AT) Advice Sought

k3hx at juno.com k3hx at juno.com
Thu Feb 23 17:33:42 PST 2012

My 2005 vintage Orion I is just back from the good folk at Ten Tec where
the deteriorated display was replaced and the software updated to V3.025.

When I bought the radio, I got the matching speaker and installed an INRAD 600Hz filter in place of the TT 1000Hz filter.  

I have been inactive for a few years and would appreciate some counsel from the group.  I'm CW 90% of the time, mostly QRP.

1. Suggested settings.  Years ago there was a list of settings to optimize the Orion I for CW operation.  I'd be grateful for such a list applicable to the upgraded software

2. Is there a way to make one of the CW memories suitable for calling
CQ during a contest so:


Pause and repeat until a paddle swipe stops the message.

3. Advice in using the SAF function.

4. Advice in using the radio in a diversity reception mode.

5. What is the "fixed CW vs FSK" issue?


Tim Colbert  K3HX

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