[TenTec] adding xtal filter to the Orion

John Henry jhenry at tentec.com
Tue Feb 28 08:05:23 PST 2012

I sent Rick an email on how to do this.
Basically cable #2 on the rear panel board is a place to tap the main
antenna on the receive path only, and cable #1 on the rear panel is a place
to tap the the sub receiver antenna.
The "left most" TMP on the rear panel board is connected to the SPARE RCA
jack on the back panel for customer usage. So that makes an easy way to get
the main or sub receive antenna to something outside. However, getting it
back in, we don't have another spare, but you can "sneak" a wire through
the connection for the band data blocks, then place it back on the cable #2
for the main receiver.
(Left most means I'm looking at the rig, front panel facing me, top
removed, looking at quadrant area where the sub receiver is, next to back
panel, on the right)

Note: (all lawyers in here probably knew this was coming..)
As a TenTec employee, I can't advocate doing this though. Whereas I
understand the need, I do want to voice the concern that user mods may
result in the transceiver not meeting stated performance specs, and it can
bring consequential damage to the rig. Receive may get RF in through the
added lines that take the main receiver out of the rig, etc., etc.  TenTec
assumes no liability in any such user performed mods, nor any claim to
maintaining performance nor whether FCC measurements are still valid. Need
to state that since if someone does this and receiver performance degrades,
it was not a recommended practice from TenTec. So, user beware.
Hope that last part is understood. But have fun though.

John Henry

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