[TenTec] SWR meter glitch on Scout 555

Bwana Bob wb2vuf at verizon.net
Wed Jan 4 15:51:15 PST 2012


What is the meter doing on receive, with no antenna connected?


             Bob WB2VUF

On 1/3/2012 8:40 AM, Casey wrote:
> Hi All,
> My Scout's meter is behaving strangely. Actually, I think the meter is
> OK, but the supporting circuitry is on the fritz. Perhaps someone here
> with more electronics experience than I could suggest some test
> procedures or likely components for failure?
> - With the rig idle, regardless of whether the meter switch is swr or
> fwd the meter "twitches" upward half scale about every 5 to 30 seconds
> - Fwd power seems to indicate correctly, but if I'm using Tune as soon
> as I switch it off the needle rises to 3/4 scale then drops to zero.
> Doesn't seem to happen if I just key the rig.
> - The needle deflects left (down) in SWR mode regardless of the true SWR.
> Voltage at the meter is about .1V at idle, rising to about 2.5V on Fwd
> mode, 30W out. The coil measures about 2K ohms.
> Ideas?
> 73,
> Casey, TI2/NA7U
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