[TenTec] Tuner Questions

Jerry, N9AW n9aw at sbcglobal.net
Mon Jan 16 19:38:52 PST 2012

I know this is the TT reflector, but how do like your Palstar AT-Auto?  I am 
considering getting one and would appreciate your input.
If you prefer to take it offline my email address is below.

Thanks and 73
Jerry N9AW
n9aw at sbcglobal dot net

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Richards" <jruing at ameritech.net>
To: "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment" <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, January 16, 2012 5:21 PM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Tuner Questions

>I had the conundrum a couple of years ago.  I went to Dayton to talk to
> both Palstar and TT and also any hams hanging around.  I got a mixed bag
> of opinions, some hams hanging around the TT display who said they
> owned, or had owned, the TT tuner, and about half said to get it, and
> the other half advised me to get the Palstar.
> In contrast, many hams on this and other TT discussion lists for whom I
> have significant respect, either as a result of their long term
> experience or specialized technical expertise, appear more positive,
> overall, and I place greater weight to their assessment.
> The universal positive is the L-Network design that generally can have
> but one properly tuned, "best" setting, whereas the AT2K  (which I own)
> is of a different design (won't say for fear of misrepresenting it) and
> I can get a really low match with multiple L and C settings.   Thus,
> with the AT2K, you might debate whether a high L and a low C is better
> than the other way around.  On the AT2K you have the two input and
> output capacitors, and you can easily move one up, and the other down,
> and vice versa, to obtain multiple good matches with the same L counter
> setting.  Change L, and you also get another rash of Capacitor settings,
> respectively.
> This is both boon and bane, I think.   The up side is you can quickly
> find a match.  The down side is you then open the door to debate which
> of all available settings is "best"  or optimum.  Not an awful problem,
> but an issue to consider I think.
> The up side of the TT tuner is you can usually only find one setting
> that works best, obviating the above conundrum with the Palstar model.
> In contrast, the  down side of the TT tuner is you sorta gotta figure
> out whether or not your antenna has higher or lower impedance relative
> to 50 Ohms.  If you look on the front of the tuner, you must pick one of
> multiple starting points, which I believe are based on basic un-tuned
> antenna impedance.   Not a big deal, but something I don't think about
> with my AT2k.  I just crank away for what seems like best L counter
> setting, and then play with the two Input and Output capacitor knobs.
> I suspect it would work the same on the TT box, once you select the
> initial impedance range.  I suppose, also, that a half hour with an
> antenna impedance analyzer would give you a quick reference chart on
> each antenna you have.   This would be more or less onerous, depending
> on what antennas you have on your farm.
> Parenthetically,  I also own a Palstar AT-AUTO tuner, and a Palstar DL2k
> dummy load.
> Having played with TT box in person at Dayton, and playing with the
> Palstar box, I suspect construction quality, durability, and appearance,
> are about equal.   I would buy the AT2K again, and I would also consider
> buying the TT box if I did not already own the Palstar box.
> Service after the Sale...
> I have not needed any repair or warranty service from either company's
> HQ, and companies have been VERY responsive to questions before and
> after the sale, regardless of what product was under consideration.
> respectively.
> That is MY take on it, anyway...  I think you would be happy with either
> one, but you may prefer the design or operational differences of one
> over the other.
> ----------------------------------  
> K8JHR  ---------------------------------
> On 1/16/2012 3:19 PM, Richard Bell wrote:
>> Opinions about any of the Ten-Tec 238 series tuners are wanted.  I'll 
>> take the
>> the good, bad or indifferent?
>> I am considering a tuner and naturally would like something to match my 
>> Omni
>> VII.  I see some advantages to the 238C in that it has a built-in balun.
>> I've considered a Palstar AT2K but am not decided.
>> For the record, I have two Drake tuners, MN-2000 and MN-2700. I'm using a 
>> balun
>> from DX Engineering with both of them.
>> Feel free to send me your thoughts, richfbell at sbcglobal.net or share them 
>> with
>> everyone.  Biased comments are expected and welcomed.
>> 73 W5BXE
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