[TenTec] swapping a tantalum...

Roy royanjoy at ncn.net
Tue Jan 24 09:49:14 PST 2012

Not to be a killjoy but: Personally I would be careful in the wholesale 
replacement of electrolytics with Tantalum caps. Tantalum caps can not stand 
the inrush current that electrolytics can which can cause the Tantalum cap 
to fail. They require some series impedance from the voltage source to the 
cap so as not to exceed the inrush current.

I agree it can be done in some places just be careful.

Couple of references!



73, Dennis N9TZL


I take the below statement to possibly pertain to protecting the external 
circuit referred to, and not the cap.(?)

73,   Roy     K6XK

"Tantalum capacitors have a relatively low effective series resistance (ESR) 
when compared to equivalent value aluminium electrolytic capacitors. Because 
of this, care must be taken when designing a circuit using tantalum 
capacitors to limit charge and discharge currents (particularly those of a 
repetitive nature) to a safe value. " 

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