[TenTec] My First Ten-Tec - Marketing

Rick - DJ0IP / NJ0IP Rick at DJ0IP.de
Thu Jul 5 23:28:58 PDT 2012

OUTSTANDING example of the difference in the attitude towards service and
customer satisfaction, between a JA company and a US company.

What about the sales side?  How well does Ten-Tec perform there?

In 1998 I was planning a Contest Expedition to 4U1VIC for CQWW CW.
On Monday morning before the contest at the end of the week, I received a
call from John Oakberg (now NK4N, but back then he was the station custodian
of 4U1VIC).  John informed me that I would not be allowed to use my big
linear amplifier at the QTH and asked me not to bring it.  He said I could
bring a smaller linear if I had one.  In panic I called every dealer in
Germany, hoping to find something.  Nothing.
3 days later (Thursday) a Ten-Tec Centaur linear amp arrived at my front
door in Munich, Germany, and the contest expedition was rescued.
No local dealer could deliver anything on short notice, but Ten-Tec
delivered from halfway around the world.
If you are interested in this kind of expedition, you can see pictures of it
here: http://www.dj0ip.de/my-expeditions/4u1vic-1998/ 

When people ask me why I like Ten-Tec, my answer is always the same:  "how
much time do you have?"

Rick, DJ0IP

-----Original Message-----
From: tentec-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:tentec-bounces at contesting.com]
On Behalf Of wade staggs
Sent: Friday, July 06, 2012 4:54 AM
To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment
Subject: Re: [TenTec] My First Ten-Tec - Marketing

*Greetings to All,*
*                            A few months back, I ordered an Encoder for a
Yaesu FT-897d which I had traded for. What was needed was the Memory/Menu
encoder. What was sent to me for a cost of over $ 60.00 was the Main VFO
Encoder. I will not call the Dealers name but, was told that there is no
Refund or Exchange on Special Order parts. After checking my part order and
the invoice several times, I had ordered the correct part. They sent me the
wrong part. After waiting almost 90 days for the wrong part, I can still get
no satisfaction from the Dealer. Since it was just the Shaft broken, the
cure was to whittle down a small piece of cedar and make a wooden shaft that
works just fine. Am I UPSET? Yes, very upset. I am also very tired of trying
to explain the problem to whoever answers the phone that day.*
*                           Here is the other side of the story. I traded a
Laptop computer for a broken Ten-Tec ( 585 ) Paragon. I was told that it had
lots of Gremlins in it. With one call to Paul Clinton at Ten-Tec, he advised
me on how to repair the bad solder connections on the Major and Minor Loop
Boards. ( everybody here knows about that ) This placed me on the air except
for the fact that 20 meters and another band were dead on receive and when
trying to transmit on them, the power supply would trip out. Another call to
Paul and he told me that I had bad diodes on the Bandpass Board. This time
he just dropped the diodes into an envelope and sent them to me FREE of
CHARGE. My Paragon has been working for well over 2 years now. The Receive
is Excellent along with Transmit. Check me out on any Wednesday Night as Net
Control for the Tennessee Phone Net at 3980 Khz.
6:30 PM Central. *
*                         Which Brand of Radio do you think that I like the
best? The one that I have a Sixty Dollar Part for which I can't use and the
Knob falls off of sometimes, or the Ten-Tec that is as Solid as a Rock,
simple to operate, outstanding receiver and transmitter and Paul is just a
phone call away IF, there is any trouble? If not for the 6/2/ and 440 bands
in the Yaesu, I would sell it tomorrow. Ten-Tec service is Legendary. If you
know your way around under the hood just a little bit, they will fix them
for you over the phone !!! I LOVE Ten-Tec. *
*                                                             73 to all de

On Thu, Jul 5, 2012 at 10:08 AM, <k3miy at csonline.net> wrote:

> Intimidating? I have done both, and no problems. People in both 
> instances were friendly and helpful.
> Ron
> Quoting george fritkin <georgefritkin at yahoo.com>:
> > I have lots of Ten Tec and lots of Elecraft.  Radios from both 
> > companies
> are
> > outstanding.  But Elecraft has built a cult like following, while 
> > Ten Tec keeps a lower profile.
> >
> > I also have lots of Yaesu, Kenwood, and ICOM.  Now days they tend to 
> > sit silent.  I think the majority of amateurs "go with the flow" and 
> > buy
> strictly
> > on price and what is popular.  I ask my friends try to talk to the
> president
> > of Kenwood etc........HI HI.  Nobody wraps hundreds of dollars 
> > around
> each
> > product they sell.
> > It is just very intimidating to buy direct.  There is "comfort" 
> > dealing
> with
> > a distributor.  Right, good luck.
> >
> > George, W6GF
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