[TenTec] Paragon Problem

Al Gulseth wb5jnc at centurytel.net
Sat Jul 14 09:28:02 PDT 2012

Too bad we're so widely scattered - it would be nice if a bunch of us with the 
older Ten-Tecs could get together in a "tech fest" for repairs and "tune-ups" 
like some of the antique/classic car folks do.

Sorta "OT" here, but since I have the attention of a bunch of the tech brains 
on the list: if anyone has experience/expertise dealing with power issues 
(SMPS) on LCD monitors please contact me off list.

TNX/73, Al

On Sat July 14 2012 8:55:44 am Tim wrote:
> Hi Wade,
> Just looked at my manual, and your memory serves you well.
> Looks like a likely cause of the problem.
> 73
> Tim
> gm4lmh
> --------------------------------------------------
> From: "wade staggs" <tvman1954 at gmail.com>
> Sent: Saturday, July 14, 2012 2:33 PM
> To: "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment" <tentec at contesting.com>
> Subject: Re: [TenTec] Paragon Problem
> > *Ben,*
> > *        Don't lose hope yet. I have a copy of the schematic. I do
> > however remember the two electrolytic caps on the input  ( red wire )
> > giving trouble. one is a 33uf @16 volts and the other 10uf @16volts. My
> > memory is going but, believe that one or the other have shorted in the
> > past causing the same problem that you now have. They are C25 and C24 (
> > If the board is labeled ) If needed, I will drag out my old flat bed
> > scanner and do my best
> > to get you a copy of the PA section. While you are in there, replace the
> > 2 caps anyway. Temp rating 105c and higher voltage. *
> > *                                                            73 de
> > Wade/KJ4WS*

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