[TenTec] Paragon Problem gets odd

John Farler k4avx1 at windstream.net
Mon Jul 16 12:53:30 PDT 2012

Back in the days when pc's were first out and I was
doing a little such work, the first thing I'd ask a user
with a dead pc was "Did you slap it?!"
In spite of the strange looks, a slap, in effect, was what a
lot of them needed, after they had been used for
a while, and some of the many  boards in the slots
had worked loose or the fingers had lost contact.

If the slap didn't work, opening the case and wiggling 
the board usually would.   Seems this kind of problem
can  happen in the older TenTecs with many separate
boards.  Hmmm, maybe this beats one big board, or
two, when  something goes wrong.


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