[TenTec] New "Old Guy"
ko4bg1 at gmail.com
Sun Jul 22 06:14:47 PDT 2012
*Gentlemen, I did not say the first thing about not liking Ten Tec, if I
didn't like the Rigs I would not have bought Several Thousand Dollars of
these back in the 90's and kept them and bragged on them all these years.
No one has ever heard me say anything against them and I would have sold
them many years ago. Take it any way you want it doesn't matter to me, I
didn't sign in here to get into an argument with someone. I'm a 100%
Disabled Vietnam Vet, retired Tool Maker and Cattle Farmer, and too Old to
get into childish arguments. I buy American when I can and Support it with
my actions and words. I was just stating a fact about my experiences with
Ten Tec. If Anyone has a problem with me being here and telling my story, I
don't have to come back.*
On Sun, Jul 22, 2012 at 6:03 AM, Mike Hyder -N4NT- <Mike_N4NT at charter.net>wrote:
> What I don't understand Woody, is if you love American rigs why is your
> first shot out of the box here to put them down?
> 73, Mike N4NT
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Woody" <ko4bg1 at gmail.com>
> To: <tentec at contesting.com>
> Sent: Sunday, July 22, 2012 05:32 AM
> Subject: [TenTec] New "Old Guy"
> > *Hello new here but Old to Ten Tec's*
> > *I have owned Ten Tec's since 1991 when I bought my first Paragon, bought
> > it when you still bought from a Ham Radio store, loved it had waaay too
> > much trouble with it should have bought stock in the Brown Truck, Jack
> > Burchfield got to know my voice on the phone, we talked so much, he
> worked
> > with me on the phone, I had the phone in one hand and meter in the other,
> > cover off the Paragon, he said I'll have it picked up, I said no I'll
> > bring
> > it to you, carried it back myself, Jack came out to the car and carried
> it
> > in himself and told his guys to fix it this time. He also carried my wife
> > and myself on the "Tour" man was I let down, I think 3 people in the
> whole
> > shop and 2 of the Tech's were shooting the Bull, but very nice Machine
> > Shop. I was a Tool Maker so I enjoyed it but let down about the Huge Ham
> > Radio facility, of course you couldn't make a living off of just building
> > Ham gear especially with the Rice Boxes around. Jack got it fixed
> "again",
> > he was and I hope still is "One Hell of a Nice Guy, but guess what had
> > trouble again, THEN mother nature stepped in, LIGHTENING STRIKE, to the
> > tune of $6000, I had full replacement insurance. I had a lot of Ten Tec
> by
> > then, Titan 425, 238 Tuner, matching power supply. Paragon couldn't be
> > fixed (thank God) got a new Onmi 6 plus, had other stuff repaired, Drake
> > was till in business, they repaired my Drake Rigs. The Onmi 6 plus worked
> > flawlessly from 97 until last year, never even a hic up. But THEN good
> ole
> > Murphry stepped in, I called Ten Tec was told Too OLD, buy you a knew
> one,
> > I said look I'm Old, got an Old Wife been married since 32 days before I
> > left for Nam in 69, I love Old stuff, I collect Drakes but still like my
> > Ten Tec station, I'm a Patriotic SOB, if its AMERICAN I'm going to have
> > it.
> > Then my very Good Friend K4DPK stepped in fixed the Onmi, and it and the
> > rest of the Ten Tec stuff will be here till I go to that big Ham fest in
> > the sky.*
> > *All I'm saying is I love American rigs, that's why I collect Drake's I
> > started out with them and will end up with them and Ten Tec's as long as
> > the Ten Tec's keep working. There are several guys around to work on
> Drake
> > rigs but try to find one to work on Ten Tec, do a Google search, won't
> > happen and Ten Tec is no help to you, except buy a new one , we don't
> > stock
> > parts for them any more, when I talked to them they sounded as though
> they
> > could care less, and they did a friend of mine, k0cak the same way, he
> > also
> > has an Onmi 6 plus. Try to find a Logic board for an Onmi 6 plus, that
> > won't happen, If it weren't for my good friend Phil (who knows more about
> > Ten Tec,s than the new guys up there will ever know) I'd be out of
> > luck!!!!
> > *
> > *I'm a Southern boy, born and Raised in Alabama, love Ten Tec's
> > hospitality, But they just don't support their equipment like they
> should,
> > but then again I guess neither do the Rice Box rigs, don't know I've
> never
> > owned one.*
> > *Sorry for the Rambling*
> > *Woody KO4BG
> > * **Of **all **the things I've L**ost, I miss my Mind the Most~~~*
> > * If you forward this e-mail, please delete the forwarding history*
> > *Thanks*
> > *"Woody"*
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* **Of **all **the things I've L**ost, I miss my Mind the Most~~~*
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