[TenTec] Field Day Drill

Stephen Roberts steverob at shoreham.net
Wed Jun 27 17:07:59 PDT 2012

Thanks Rick...all very good points. I think I was being a bit too harsh seeing that everybody obviously worked very hard to make FD a success. I guess I'll have to pick up my microphone some day and figure out what all this SSB stuff is  ;-)

Best 73

Steve Roberts-W1SFR
Sudbury, VT

On Jun 27, 2012, at 6:51 PM, Rick - DJ0IP / NJ0IP wrote:

> Steve,
> First, I want to apologize to the originator of this thread for hijacking
> it, but Steve and his first field day experience is an interesting topic.
> Steve, like Jim, you have my highest respect for being a new ham and 100%
> CW.
> Well done sir!
> Field Day is my favorite ham radio event because it offers several things:
> - the opportunity test one's ability to plan and quickly set up a complete
> station (or stations) including antennas
> - a means of testing the efficiency of the station (the contest)
> - a tool for perfecting one's own skills (the contest)
> - a social aspect (bar-b-que with friends and family)
> - a real time forum for discussing what worked and what didn't
> Perhaps you missed out on part of the fun by not being present for the
> planning (assumption) and installation of the antennas and station.  I think
> I enjoy this part just as much as the event itself.  Of course if they set
> up on Friday, than may not be possible.  In any case, it might still be
> interesting to join in on the planning.
> Contest:  clearly that is not everyone's bag.  In fact most hams are not
> contesters.  However there is no better chance to test the capability of
> your station than in a contest because there are hams on the air virtually
> everywhere, the entire time.  You are able to see what works and what
> doesn't.  You can compare antennas, etc.
> Teaching the new hams:  Now that apparently did not happen in your case.
> Normally most clubs have a GOTA (Get On The Air) station and they have one
> or more experienced operators assigned to train the new person (sometimes
> not yet a ham) on operating procedures.  However this is almost always only
> done in SSB.
> THE PROBLEM:  We CW guys are kind of unique.  As long as I can remember (and
> that's going back 50 years) there were 20 to 50 people hanging around the AM
> (later SSB) station(s) and 2 or 3 of us in the CW station area.  We CW guys
> were considered strange animals, but I can't help but think they admired us
> for our ability to do what we do.  YOU jumped in with both feet and
> apparently managed the job, though you were a bit unhappy with the event.
> Perhaps you should have spoken with the CW team before the event, let them
> know your expectations and asked them to help you get started.  Most likely
> they didn't understand the need.
> You see, if you can work CW at that speed, everyone just assumes you already
> know what you are doing... THAT'S the problem!
> Anyway I would certainly give it a second shot.  
> Believe me, we old farts that have been doing it for many years are really
> grateful when a new ham joins our ranks.  The more hams we can get on the
> key, the more time we (ourselves) will have to go socialize with the others.
> Hey, just because we enjoy CW, that doesn't mean we don't like to minger
> with the others and join in on the Bar-b-que!
> Speak with your CW team and I'm sure they will be glad to give you whatever
> help or support you need next year.
> Again, WELL DONE!
> 73
> Rick, DJ0IP
> -----Original Message-----
> From: tentec-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:tentec-bounces at contesting.com]
> On Behalf Of Stephen Roberts
> Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2012 2:46 PM
> To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment
> Subject: Re: [TenTec] Field Day Drill
> Hi Folks,
> I've been following this thread and thought I'd chime in. As a new ham (4
> months now) and a 100% CW op, I didn't really know what to expect when I
> went to my first field day this year. The old salts of our club had spent
> the day before setting up stations and had everything ready to go when I
> arrived at the site. It was all very organized and pretty impressive. The 3
> CW ops (myself included) were set up in a member's RV which proved to be a
> really excellent place to spend field day.
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