[TenTec] TenTec Items FS

Paul Gates kd3jf at hotmail.com
Sat Mar 3 10:41:51 PST 2012

What does it look like? Forgot what a Paragon looks like.

Paul Gates

> Date: Sat, 3 Mar 2012 09:03:12 -0500
> From: W8EK at flham.net
> To: tentec at contesting.com
> Subject: [TenTec] TenTec Items FS
> HF Transceiver, Antenna Tuner, Power Supply, and
> CW Keyers For Sale:
> TenTec 585 Paragon HF Transceiver:
> The Paragon is a top of the line transceiver that includes a
> general coverage receiver. It covers 160-10 meters, including
> WARC bands, with 100 watts output. The receiver is fantastic.
> It has dual VFOs and many memories built in, along with a
> speech processor. Basically, it has about every feature that
> a ham could want in an HF rig.
> This particular unit works 100% as best I can tell. Since the
> rig does so many things, I am sure that there is something I
> didn't test, but I don't know what it is (or I would have
> tested it!). It has had all updates completed by TenTec.
> Cosmetically, it has been used. It is not in bad shape, but
> it is not mint.  It also has the Giehl chip in it making it
> similar to a Paragon II.
> Large manual and power cord included for $450.
> TenTec 229 antenna tuner:
> This tuner will handle full legal power, and features a
> roller inductor, so you can get an exact match.  It uses
> an "L" match instead of a "T" match, which means there is
> only one spot that will give you the correct match.  With
> the "T" match, one can get a match at several different
> points, but only one of these points is the correct one.
> The "L" match is also more efficient.  Electrically, it
> is the same as the 238, 238 A, 238 B, 238 C, 229 A,
> 229 B, and the 4229 kit.
> There is also a built in wattmeter with full scale reading
> of 200 and 2000 watts.  It also has an SWR bridge with
> lighted meter, plus a 4 position antenna switch.
> It can be used on any HF frequency, including the WARC
> bands, since it is continuously adjustable.  It includes
> a built in internal balun, so open wire can be used,
> if desired.
> Cosmetically, this unit is the color of the earlier Omni
> series (Omni 546, series A, B, and C) with the black vinyl
> covering, and nice aluminum trim around the front.
> This particular unit functions 100%, and looks perfect.
> I can not find a scratch on it.
> Paper work is included for $325.
> TenTec Power Supply:
> "Switcher / 25" 25 amp switching power supply:
> This is a 25 amp switching power supply in a case that
> matches the early Omni series case, with the metal bezel
> around it. It is in a case that is the same size as a 243
> remote VFO. It has an ammeter on the front, along with
> Switch, TenTec logo, and output bulb. The front panel
> basically looks like a 280 power supply with a metal bezel,
> but says "Switcher/25" on it. It is very quiet, and well
> shielded, and does not produce any electrical noise that
> I could find. $175
> Straight Keys:
> Generic brass colored, oval base key
> This is similar to a J-38 (without the bakelite base), but
> is a Japanese copy. It is brass colored, but is not real
> brass. Includes shorting switch.
> It works fine and looks fine. $18
> Generic straight key
> This is a generic CW straight key with a plastic base.
> It is nothing fancy, but it will do the job. $10
> Cables for CW keyers and keys:
> Cable for paddles
> About 3 feet long, and with a 1/8 inch (3.5 mm) stereo
> connector on the end, like used by most rigs. $8
> As above, but 1/4 inch plug. $8
> As above, with 1/4 inch GOLD plated plug. $15
> Cable for straight key
> About 3 feet long, with a mono 1/8 inch (3.5 mm) phone
> plug on it, as used with a straight key. $5
> As above, but 1/4 inch plug. $5
> AEA AC-1 "Wall Wart" Power Supply
> This "Wall wart" power supply will supply 12 V DC at
> up to 1 amp.
> It can be used with the AEA PK-232, PK-88 or others.
> This unit has a 2.1 mm plug, with the center positive,
> so it can be used on many different things that require
> 12 V DC at up to an amp, such as keyers, antenna tuners,
> etc.
> This is a "regular" wall wart -- not the new switching
> type that creates all sort of noise in your receiver.
> Get this one, and leave the noise behind. $14
> I also have many other accessories available such as many
> different types of microphones, HTs, VHF and UHF rigs,
> antennas, etc. Just too many things to list here.
> Please e-mail your requests.
> Prices do not include shipping from Florida.
> Thanks.
> 73,
> Ken, W8EK
> Ken Simpson
> E-mail to W8EK at FLHam.net or W8EK at arrl.net
> Voice Phone  (352) 732-8400
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