[TenTec] Centurion Amp

Robb Urie rurie at mywdo.com
Wed Mar 14 17:50:48 PDT 2012


You are thinking of the old 444 solid state amp. The 411 Centaur uses 3x 811A tubes. TT states on their website that they can no longer repair the 444.

Concerning the history of the 422..the original model had Eimac 3-500Zs and the tubes were biased "On" even in standby. TT later offered a mod to change the bias circuit and added this to later versions. I have done this to a friends 422 along with new black panels/case to match the Orion.

Just sold my 422 to make way for more Elecraft equipment, great amp. Know where a 422 is with Eimac's in the local Colorado Springs area that is for sale.

Also have an L-4B with the original tubes, still get full power and another great design.  


Robb N0RU 

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