[TenTec] no transmitt

wade staggs tvman1954 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 19 20:00:34 PDT 2012

Don't have an Orion but my Paragon does Strange things like that when the
Power Supply voltage goes under about 12.5 volts. Also, have had the radio
go Crazy in the presents of High SWR and also anytime there is Too Much RF
running around the shack. You may want to monitor your Power Supply Voltage
to make sure the voltage drop is not too great. Clean the Power Plug and
Connector. I would also suggest that you double check your Ground
Connection. Check/Tighten all Coax Connections. My hope is that I have
helped you out in some way.


On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 5:15 PM, Rodney <w3krq at dejazzd.com> wrote:

> I turn on orion11 receive ok   I try to transmitt no output led blonks
> output meter goes up with voice but no rf output this has happen before. I
> turn off and back on it then works ok.Anyone know what going on.
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