[TenTec] TEN-TEC shack photos [flat braid; antenna switch]

Stuart Rohre rohre at arlut.utexas.edu
Thu May 3 15:42:57 PDT 2012

Absolutely!  Bob McGraw is right about doing all your surge protection 
and lightning diversion outside the shack so as to not have a conductor 
path inside during a fault.

In fact, when you are not home, you should unplug feedlines and 
preferably ground them if you have outside antennas in the clear. 
Lightning can and does bypass higher objects sometimes and goes for the 
wires, or aluminum of antennas.

Unplugging the feedlines and power lines when the shack is not manned 
removes the equipment from any potential direct path, and lessens 
chances of losing all rigs and accessories to lightning.  Don't overlook 
other electronics on the operating desk like computers and phones. 
Anything that has a connection outside the shack to utilities could 
bring lightning events inside.  Don't be complacent if you have 
underground utilities.  Somewhere out there, that utility line goes 
above ground and goes high up on a pole.

A surge arcing inside your shack is a nerve shattering happening.
Been there heard that back in Novice days.

-Stuart Rohre

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